More than ever, Uptown Planners is under assault by developers and their donor-owned candidates , to replace who will speak in the name of our community on the City of San Diego's disastrous Plan Hillcrest and similar programs and projects that extract public value for private profit.
Nothing demonstrates this more clearly than the city's actions to interfere with the operations of Uptown Planners as detailed in this letter.
As we did in 2021 and 2022, Rescue Hillcrest has joined forces with Uptown for All, a coalition of diverse neighborhood voices who don't always agree on every issue, but who are not pro-developer cheerleaders. Below is information about the most recent election; and next is the candidate information for the open position whom we endorse.
When and Where to Vote in Person:
* Saturday, September 2, 12:00PM–2:00PM
Mission Hills-Hillcrest/Knox Library, 215 W Washington St
* Tuesday, September 5, 4:00PM–7:00PM
Joyce Beers Community Center, 3900 Vermont St
Who Can Vote:
I am a 23-year resident of Hillcrest and the former chair of Uptown Planners. And like you, I care about where we live and work, and concerned about our place in the big picture of what’s happening in the world.
Practical solutions to the impacts of climate change need to be addressed by our Community Planning Groups. This means preserving existing affordable housing, ensuring new housing is actually affordable, and advocating for development that is sustainable. It requires questioning the rampant real estate speculation we see driving our neighbors from their homes and businesses.
I support new construction in scale to existing buildings and sensitive to the environment, land use and urban planning for density appropriate to infrastructure and facilities, mobility that is about choices not mandates, and community development responsive to community input.
I hope you will allow me the opportunity once again to serve for you.
[Mat Wahlstrom is a renter and founder of Rescue Hillcrest, and a contributing author to Times of San Diego and OB Rag.]
For a one-page, printable version of this information, click here.
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